Friday, March 26, 2010

Well Hello: A Quick Introduction

Hello!  My name is Yasmine (yes-meen), and I am a tall, Palestinian-American girl with a fro.  The reason why it reads "Pali-American" is because blogspot does not give you enough characters so I had to shorten the title as best I could.  I actually wanted the blog name to be "Musings of an Almost Freakishly Tall Palestinian-American Girl with a Fro," but it would not fit, so I did what I could.

So I am sure you are asking, "what constitutes almost freakishly tall?"  Well my new hopefully loyal readers, I am just shy of six feet, but stand 6'3"-6'5" depending on the heels.  Yes, I wear heels.  Deal with it.  Why should I deny myself fashion because you are uncomfortable with my being vertically blessed?

Moving right along.  As also stated, I am Palestinian.  So don't mess with me, we invented the suicide bomber.  No, I'm just kidding!  But really.

Now for the fro.  I have super tight curly hair.  Enough said.

So these blogs will be my musings on everything and anything that pops into my mind on any given day.  From what I love, to what I hate.  Like dirty feet.  I HATE dirty feet.  I mean really people, if you are going to expose your feet to the world, take a damn foot file and some soap to those nasty things you call your feet.  But I digress.

I hope you enjoy my musings, and if you do, I hope that you will pass the word along.  If you don't, well, too bad.  I'm going to keep writing.


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